Friday, 22 January 2010

John hits it out of the Park!

John Park is the kind of American Idol contestant that makes you grateful for the show - he's there to try his luck using only his talent, no gimmick, no sob story to guilt the viewer into rooting for him. Besides the fact that he's a handsome Asian-American (an ethnic minority that is sorely underrepresented on American Idol and every other mainstream television show in in point, the hit freshman show 'Glee' has a character called 'Other Asian'....yes I get that the irony is intentional but it's kinda symptomatic of the American media's negligence in wider representation), I am hoping that John can go the distance in this competition because his deep voice is gloriously masculine and effortlessly smooth. Also, it was pretty damn funny the way John brought out the cougar in guest judge Shania Twain! Damn, she was ready to pounce!!!

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